• How to Stay Positive During A Restructuring
    Your company is restructuring—the future seems uncertain, and the present feels chaotic. Staying positive during precarious times isn’t easy, but for your own job security—and sanity—that’s exactly what you’ll need to do. As precarious as the situation can be, focus on the silver lining, and make...
  • How to Make Your Company Align with Candidate Values
    Ideally, you want to hire candidates who share your values. However, in today's ever-changing workforce, you might need to do some restructuring in order to keep up with the times and align your company's values with those of the most sought-after candidates on the job market. Here’s how to make ...
  • Ask Yourself These 6 Questions Before Asking for a Raise
    Knowing when to ask for a raise can be a bit of a dilemma. Time it right, and your supervisor may see your request as a savvy, confident business decision. Time it poorly, however, and your supervisor may see your request as greedy, tone deaf, or even insulting. This can make things uncomfortable...
  • Laid Off versus Fired—Why Does It Matter?
    While it may not feel like there’s much of a distinction to be made between being laid off and getting fired—they both ultimately result in the loss of your job—the fact is, there are considerable differences between the two.
  • What to Do If a Job Offer Falls Through
    It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. A company offers you a job, but before you can start your first day, the offer falls through. Whatever the reasons (if any), you have to start your job search all over again. Here’s what to do.
  • 10 (More) Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview to Stand Out
    You may think a job interview is all about your potential employer finding out about you. And granted, that is the way the majority of the interview is likely to go. However, most interviewers will provide the opportunity for you to ask questions as well. Here are 10 questions to ask to stand out...