• 5 Important Prescreening Questions
    Candidate screening gives you the opportunity to see how applicants present themselves on the phone, as well as set expectations for the position. Here are five important questions to ask every candidate you prescreen.
  • 10 Must-Ask Interview Questions
    Creating a set of must-ask interview questions is never easy. In 45 minutes, you have to get to know a candidate well enough to determine if she can perform a complex job, fit your company’s culture, and not flake out after you’ve spent all that time training her. We’ve compiled a list of the 10 ...
  • Guide to Answering Common Interview Questions
    It's fun to share war stories about the most off-the-wall interview questions you've ever been asked, but most follow a set pattern....Read on to see how to answer the most common interview questions!
  • 10 Must-Ask Exit Interview Questions
    Many employers view the exit interview as a mere formality, assuming they bother to perform one at all, but it’s is more important to the health of your business than you may think. The exit interview is an essential tool for understanding why employees leave and how they feel about the company. ...
  • Questions to Ask in Your Next Interview
    So, you're ready for your big interview, you’ve got all the right answers to any possible questions they could throw your way, but can they say the same? Asking the right questions can save you a lot of time when searching for a new job.
  • 8 Questions to Ask in Informational Interviews
    If you're just starting your career or interested in a career change, you've likely been advised to schedule informational interviews. These casual conversations with professional contacts—which shouldn't last longer than 20 to 25 minutes—are meant to help you learn about an industry and develop ...
  • Interview Questions for Hiring College Interns
    Offering a college internship program can be a rewarding experience. You'll enjoy the benefits of having extra hands on deck—plus, your employees will stretch their own skill sets by serving as mentors to younger professionals. Be sure to include these interview questions on your list the next ti...
  • Why You Should Ask Questions at Work
    You've got questions, but should you ask them at work? Many employees feel it's risky. They wonder, will work-related queries make them seem aware and engaged or uniformed and ill-prepared?
  • Interview Questions You Don’t Have to Answer
    Sometimes, interview questions are too personal, controversial, or just downright weird or offensive. Whatever the reason, you really don't want to answer—and you don’t have to. These are the interview questions you don’t have to answer.
  • Ask Great Questions to Grow Your Career
    Techniques for career growth abound. One of the most reliable is learning to ask great questions early and often throughout your career. What makes a question great? The answer depends on the situation, but one thing all great questions have in common is the motivation to expand your understan...
  • 10 (More) Must Ask Interview Questions
    Knowing what to ask during an interview isn’t always easy, so we created a set of 10 must-ask interview questions to help recruiters assess an interviewee’s approach to decision making, working habits, and cultural fit. But 10 questions don’t leave a lot of room, so with that in mind, we created ...
  • Your Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Questions
    There's often no right or wrong answer when it comes to answering job interview questions, but it can be helpful to prepare in advance of your interview. Here's our ultimate guide on how to answer every interview question.
  • Why Asking Good Questions on an Interview is Important
    One step applicants sometimes forget is preparing themselves to ask the employer a few questions of their own. Yet, it’s a key part of the interview process to remember. It is almost a given employers will pause towards the end of the meeting and say, "Do you have any questions for me?"
  • Answer, Negotiate, And Potentially Avoid Dreaded Salary Questions
    "What is your desired salary?" Having trouble answering interview questions about your potential salary? We’ve got you covered.
  • Ask These Questions to Learn More about a Company’s Culture
    Before you accept the job offer, consider whether the corporate culture is a good fit for you. Ask these questions to find out.
  • Ask Yourself These 6 Questions Before Asking for a Raise
    Knowing when to ask for a raise can be a bit of a dilemma. Time it right, and your supervisor may see your request as a savvy, confident business decision. Time it poorly, however, and your supervisor may see your request as greedy, tone deaf, or even insulting. This can make things uncomfortable...
  • 5 Small Questions Your New Hire May Have That Matter
    New hires have many questions—both big and small, about expectations, company culture, and rules and procedures they need to follow. Here are some examples of seemingly trivial queries new hires may have that you need to be prepared to answer.
  • 5 Better Questions to Ask at Your Next Networking Meeting
    So, you’ve finally landed that big one-on-one networking meeting you’ve been angling for, and now you need to ensure you make the most of every minute you get with your new contact.
  • Questions To Ask At The End Of A Job Interview To Make You Stand Out
    Congratulations! You just pulled off the perfect interview. You had an answer for every question, you were articulate and professional, and you expressed knowledge of the field that clearly impressed. Satisfied, the interviewer closes her notebook, folds her hands across the table, and asks, “So,...
  • The Most Challenging Interview Questions We’ve Seen (And Some of the Best Answers)
    Trying to figure out how to answer challenging interview questions can definitely make your palms sweat. Here is a sampling of some of the toughest questions we’ve seen and some potential answers that may help.