• Don’t let negativity control your workplace culture
    We have all worked with people who see the worst in everything. They always have something to complain about. So how do you combat negativity?
  • Manage the Person You Got Hired Over Without Negativity
    Chances are good you may be supervising someone who had their eye on your position and saw themselves quite comfortably in it. Read on to learn how to manage this tricky situation.
  • Dealing with Negative Coworkers
    The negative coworker comes in a variety of forms. There is the gossip-monger, the perpetual victim, and the melodramatic whiner, to name a few. How do you deal with this bad-tempered coworker and inoculate yourself to her poor attitude? The answer depends on whether you’re dealing with an occasi...
  • Jealousy in the Workplace: When Competition becomes Negative
    A degree of competition in the workplace keeps employees at the top of their game. But when the battle for a promotion, and the extra green that comes with it, leads to eyes green with envy, the result can be disruptive.
  • Losing Control of the Vehicle: Your Negative Thoughts
    We have the tendency to create expectations of ourselves that can be unrealistic. We will ‘fail’ sometimes. Read on to learn what steps to take to get back on track!!!
  • Handling Criticism at Work: How to Respond Positively to Negative Feedback
    No one likes to hear the boss isn’t happy with their work, but it’s what you do with the information that counts. Use these strategies to react professionally to negative criticism and come out stronger in the end.
  • How To Avoid Investing In Office Gossip
    Investing in office gossip provides the diminishing returns of workplace dissension and a climate of distrust. It degrades the gossiper, who is taken less seriously or viewed as divisive, and the object of the gossip, whose professional or personal reputation is being assaulted.
  • Good Leaders Value Employee Feedback
    In times of change, when is it best to solicit employee feedback? Read on to see what company leaders and their leadership team should ask themselves –
  • How to Explain Your Layoff During an Interview
    Being laid off is a common occurrence in today’s ever-changing business world. Here's how to explain your layoff during an interview.
  • How Much Does Your Job Affect Your Mental Health?
    Many people view the relationship between work and mental health as distinct. They show up, mentally check out, and hang around until it’s time to actually check out. Have you ever wondered how much your job affects your mental health? Chances are, it’s more than you think.
  • Measure and manage your employer brand reputation
    Now, in an increasingly virtual world, customer and employee reviews carry a tremendous amount of weight. That’s why promoting a positive online reputation needs to be an everyday priority.
  • How To Manage And Respond To Online Reviews
    The days when only plumbers and restauranteurs had to worry about online reviews are long gone. From Glassdoor to Indeed to Vault, online review sites allow employees to rate employers anonymously. But do job seekers use online reviews to determine if they will apply? Or are they simply a way for...
  • The Feedback Your Employees Really Want
    The employee evaluation process is awkward at best. The trick to making the situation more beneficial and less painful for all involved is to focus on giving the types of feedback employees really want: feedback that's frequent, constructive, and actionable, as well as delivered in an appropriate...
  • Good leaders choose to listen, then act
    We’ve learned through the pandemic that listening to employees is even more important in a time of great stress than in normal times.
  • Who is Most Likely to Ruin Your Professional Reputation?
    For most of us, the worst rumor monger is not someone else, but ourselves. People will believe the other negative things we may say about ourselves. Read on to learn how to stop this negative habit!
  • How solid is your employer brand reputation?
    Now more than ever, brand reputation is critical to business success. Why? Read on to learn more.
  • How To Cure A Case Of Impostor Syndrome Ahead Of Your Job Interview
    It’s only a few hours before you meet with a potential employer. Suddenly, you experience a sinking feeling in your stomach. You tell yourself that you aren’t good enough for this job, your past achievements are a byproduct of luck, and you suspect that you will be exposed as a fraud at any momen...
  • What to Do When Your Coworkers Won’t Help You
    To perform at your highest level, you’ll need the support of others, just like they’ll need yours. What should you do when your coworkers won’t help you? That depends on whether the behavior is situational or chronic in your office.
  • Internal and External Impact of High Employee Turnover
    While some industries anticipate employees coming and going and are prepared for it, others struggle with a high level of employee turnover. Find out what's causing it.
  • Look for warning signs of poor company culture
    A toxic work environment leaves employees feeling drained, unmotivated, and unfulfilled. Negativity thrives when a culture is unstable. Read on to identify the red flags.