• Take Your Career To The Next Level With Enhanced Finance Knowledge
    Not everyone needs to be a financial guru, especially if that is not one’s particular skillset. But, if you really want to grow in your career as a manager or professional working in a non-financial role, then it is imperative to enhance your knowledge of finance.
  • The Art of Asking a Friend to Refer You to Their Company
    Having friends in high places can be a definite benefit when you’re looking for a job referral. Here are some tips that will help you get the referral you want without putting unnecessary strain on the friendship.
  • 5 Steps to Take When You Feel Like Your Company Doesn't Have Your Back
    If you were in trouble, would your coworkers, boss, or company push you under the bus, try to rescue you, or jump in front of the bus themselves?While you can’t always know for sure, you may have a sense your company doesn’t have your back long before anything goes wrong. So what should you do ab...
  • How to Answer: “What’s the Best Piece of Career Advice You've Ever Received"
    You find yourself in the middle of an interview with your potential new company when you hear a question that truly gives you pause: “What is the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?” How should you answer that question?
  • 7 Red Flags You Shouldn't Ignore When Starting a New Job
    Unfortunately, you sometimes don't figure out your new job isn't the right fit until after you've started it. Here are seven red flags you shouldn't ignore in a new position.
  • The Secret to Getting Past Your First Mistake at a New Job
    The good news is that there’s a secret to getting past your first mistake at a new job. If you do it right, you’ll come out looking like a professional despite the original embarrassment.
  • How to Respond When a Coworker Throws You Under the Bus
    You've just been thrown under the bus. What should you do when a coworker makes you the scapegoat? What's the smartest way to respond? Find out.
  • How To Create The Ultimate Transition Guide When Leaving Your Job
    You've signed your offer letter and survived the awkwardness of giving notice. Now you can coast through your last two weeks, right? Not so fast. The surest way to be remembered fondly by your former colleagues is to leave a comprehensive transition guide for your replacement. After all, you're l...
  • 5 Monstrous Employees And How To Handle Them
    Movie monsters can be scary. Monstrous employees are much scarier. They terrorize any office they invade and, unlike their cinematic counterparts, don’t come with a glaring weakness. Rather, it takes an individualized approach to manage the situation. Here are five common office monsters and how ...
  • You’re on Vacation, But Your Coworkers Won't Stop Emailing You?
    You're just settling into your pool chair with a juicy thriller and an adult beverage when you hear a familiar ping. Ugh. The office. What could they possibly want now? Don't they know you're on vacation? What should you do when you're on vacation and your coworkers won't stop emailing you?
  • How to Search for a New Job without Your Current Boss Finding Out
    You’ve decided to look for a better job. But since you don’t want your current boss to show you the door before your next position is a sure thing, you need to go into spymaster mode. Here’s How.
  • How to Make Irrelevant Experience Relevant During Your Job Search
    You may be worried that including irrelevant work experience on your resume could hurt your chances of landing your dream job. Then again, leaving that experience out could create gaps in your timeline. How do you solve this dilemma?
  • What to Do After a Job Rejection
    There's no getting around it: A job rejection stings, even if you've decided the position probably wasn't right for you. No one wants to be second choice. But, like most things in life, there are ways you can make the most of the situation. Here's what to do after a job rejection to keep your dig...
  • How to Deal With an Office Tattletale
    There’s no doubt the person in your office who runs to the boss to report every little slip-up is not going to win any popularity contests. But how do you deal with a person like this? Such a dilemma is not fun for anyone. But these tips will help you deal with the office snitch in a professional...
  • 5 Pieces of Career Advice You Shouldn’t Listen To
    Job hunting and career building are hard enough on their own—even without the well-meaning but sometimes ill-informed advice of others. Some words of wisdom are actually counterproductive and set you up for burnout or job dissatisfaction; other advice is simply outmoded in today's workplace. With...
  • Marketable Skills Every Job Seeker Should Have
    Looking for a job is hard work — you have to condense your life’s worth on a piece of paper that the hiring manager may only spend a few minutes scanning (and that’s if you’re lucky). Regardless of which profession you’re trying to break into, however, highlighting these marketable skills that tr...
  • How to Gracefully Get Out of Meetings
    Does your calendar make you cringe? Have your beach daydreams been replaced by fantasies of staying at your desk and getting stuff done? First, take heart in the fact that you're not alone. American workers participate in at least 36 million meetings each day (and some consider that estimate low)...
  • Good Strategies for Delivering Bad News
    Delivering bad news is a lot like delivering mail. You need to sort it out before you pass it around. The last thing you want to do is blurt out “we’re laying off a third of the staff” without first doing the proper preparation and planning. Sharing a difficult announcement is a delicate task, an...
  • Recruiters Share the Number 1 Aspect They're Looking For in Candidates They're Hiring
    Job candidates come in all shapes and sizes, and most recruiters aren't looking to hire cookie-cutter employees. However, there are certain standout qualities that seem to be universally preferred. Lucky for you, several prominent recruiters in the D.C. area have revealed the top assets they are ...
  • What Top Recruiters Ask Their Candidates (And What To Look For In Their Answers)
    When top recruiters consider job candidates, they ask open-ended questions intended to bring the best people to the front of the line. Here are the kinds of answers they’re seeking so you can apply them in your hiring decisions.