• Why Lateral Moves are Important to Your Career Growth
    Learn how lateral moves can be beneficial to your career when done strategically
  • Putting My Graduate Degree to Work: Does It Really Give Me a Competitive Edge?
    Will a graduate degree give you a competitive edge? Find out.
  • How to Navigate the Workplace as a New Hire
    In a new job, there are certain things you can do to succeed. Here's how to navigate the workplace as a new hire.
  • 5 Nontraditional Things It's OK to Negotiate In Your Job Offer
    You have one more potential hurdle to cross before you accept your job offer—negotiating your compensation package. Salary is clearly the big-ticket item people focus on. You shouldn't dismiss this figure, but keep in mind there are other valuable perks you can pursue. Here’s what you should be n...
  • How to Demonstrate 5 Intangible Qualities Hiring Managers are Looking for
    Are you currently considering a new career opportunity, or perhaps already preparing to interview for your dream job? If so, you’ve probably wondered what qualities the hiring manager is looking for and how you can demonstrate them effectively, in order to secure the position. Here five qualities...
  • Seize the Day: Stop Waiting for the Perfect Time to Switch Jobs
    You probably already know there’s no perfect time to change jobs. So what are you still waiting for?
  • Nightingale Award Winner - Lisa Dellinger, RN
    Six winners were honored during the inaugural Star Nurses celebration and were named Nightingale Award winners. We are proud to honor them. Congratulations to Lisa Dellinger
  • I Still Don’t Know What I Want to Be When I Grow Up
    Imagine you’re back in first grade. Your teacher asks you to draw what you want to be when you grow up. Now you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, and you wonder why you still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up. Is something wrong with you?
  • Offering Flexible Work Schedules
    In many organizations, flexible work schedules are becoming the norm. While it may seem, on the surface, that the advantages of flextime rest primarily with the employee, that is simply not true. Employers are now realizing that flextime offers them numerous benefits as well.
  • Strategies To Help You Beat Those Weekday Blues
    Weekday blues—we all get them, even if we love our jobs (most of the time). Whatever the reason, read on for some tips to make your weekdays just a little bit sunnier.
  • What to Consider When Setting Career Goals
    Everyday tasks at your job need to get done, it’s a just as important to have long-term career goals. What kind of process should you consider when thinking about the next five years or so of your career trajectory?
  • How Much Salary Negotiation Is Too Much?
    Negotiating a salary is a tough balancing act. You don’t want to settle for too little, but you don’t want to price yourself out of a job either. So how do you know when it’s advisable to accept an offer, and when you should continue the negotiation? Here are some basic rules of thumb.
  • Doing A Reference Check? Here Are Seven Questions You Should Ask
    References can help you develop a more accurate picture of a candidate’s abilities, personality, and work ethic. Thing is, even the most honest job seeker may unconsciously stretch the truth to make themselves more desirable. To get you started, here are seven questions you should ask during any ...
  • Your Interview Prep Checklist
    To ensure you're prepared for your job interview, we've compiled a checklist of everything you need to remember to ace that crucial meeting. Check each of the boxes, and you'll be ready to go in with confidence, and nail it!
  • Off With the Business Suit, On With the Nurse Shoes
    Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing U.S. industries. And nursing will be among the most in-demand occupations. Even as many nurses retire, in the decade ending in 2022 nursing jobs will grow by 527,000 to 3.23 million, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  • Can We Get Rid of the Word Settling?
    How often did you think about or hear someone mention an intent to settle? Settling sounds like you have given up the possibility of finding a new job that brings with it hope. Read on to see more!
  • What to Do When Your Values Don't Align With Your Company's
    Working for a company that has the same values you do, or at least respects your right to hold different values, can be a very big deal. How would you describe the company’s culture and values?
  • Keep Getting Rejected? 3 Things to Keep in Mind
    Let's not sugarcoat it: Rejection stinks. Nothing is fun about being turned down for a job opportunity. And while circumstances are often beyond your control (they went with an internal candidate, or the position wasn't filled), if you’re consistently coming in second or third during the hiring p...
  • How to Navigate Different Job Seeker Personalities
    The workplace, not unlike an athletic arena, is an environment where chemistry matters. This requires a manager to drill deeper than an employee’s education, resume and cover letter to discern his or her personality and what it brings to the organization. Here are best practices for navigating di...
  • How Long Is Too Long for Your Resume?
    Gone are the days when a one-page resume was the norm. Now it depends on a variety of factors. Read on to find out the new rules for how long is too long.