• 6 Things To Consider Before Taking A Pay Cut At A New Job
    Most people looking for a new job hope for a higher salary. Sometimes, though, a job offer comes with a pay cut. But that pay cut doesn’t have to be a deal breaker. Here are questions to answer before agreeing to a lower paycheck.
  • I Think I Might Be a Micromanager
    “So…I think I might be a micromanager. Hear me out. My team’s turnover rate is way north of average, and the ones that are still here won’t look me in the eye, much less hold a conversation with me. I can’t keep up with all the projects I have to juggle, so I eat dinner at my desk just to get thr...
  • What Should You Expect When Your First "Real" Job Is at a Startup?
    You have held down your fair share of menial jobs, but now your days of shelving books or slinging hash are over. You have landed your first “real” job. Better yet, it’s at a startup....now what?
  • Strategies to Transition Back to the Office after Working from Home During a Pandemic
    With so much focus right now on keeping yourself and others around you healthy, returning to a “normal” routine seems like a fairytale at this point—but it will happen eventually.
  • What Does It Mean When You Find Out Your Job Is Considered "Non-essential"?
    When the announcement came that all non-essential employees would either be working from home, or just waiting at home for coronavirus to abate, a lot of people had to face the truth....Click to read the truth
  • Are You Getting the Benefits You Deserve?
    Job-seekers tend to focus on salary first and foremost, but your paycheck is only part of the equation. Benefits account for nearly 31 percent of a private-sector employee's compensation package and 37 percent of a public-sector employee's. Are you getting the benefits you deserve?
  • How Can I Learn to Like What I Do For a Living?
    Most people spend a large portion of their lives earning a living. It’s inevitable that you’ll have bad days at work, but have you found the occasional “My job is the worst” venting session has become the norm? Sometimes it requires a major life overhaul, including a career switch, to set things...
  • 5 Ways to Diversify Your Skills While Staying in the Same Job
    Preparing for tomorrow’s job today means diversifying your skills, but when your current job revolves around the same old responsibilities, we often find ourselves leaning on what we already know. It can be tricky to find the time to learn new skills while juggling life’s demands, but it is possi...
  • Give Yourself Permission to Focus Elsewhere, For Now
    As you consider whether this might be a good time to start career exploration keep these things in mind....
  • How to Dig Yourself Out of a Career Rut
    The old Dolly Parton song "9 to 5" is the working person's anthem for good reason: It's a sassy rendition of what it feels like to be in a career rut. But no matter how many "cups of ambition" you have, if you feel like you're "barely getting by," with "all takin' and no givin'," you're not going...
  • How Much Does Your Job Affect Your Mental Health?
    Many people view the relationship between work and mental health as distinct. They show up, mentally check out, and hang around until it’s time to actually check out. Have you ever wondered how much your job affects your mental health? Chances are, it’s more than you think.
  • Twelve things to consider when looking for a job
    In today’s market, job seekers are in the driver’s seat, and what is most important has shifted following the pandemic. If you are looking for a job, here are twelve things to consider.
  • Pros and Cons of a 9-to-5 Lifestyle
    Trying to figure out if you should go traditional or strike out on your own? Here are the pros and cons of the 9-to-5 lifestyle to help you decide.
  • 5 Things You Should Never Discuss With Your Coworkers
    Most of us have been guilty of oversharing at the water cooler or confiding in the wrong person at the office—and we can all recount a war story or two about ways our mouths have gotten us into trouble at work. There are certain things you should never, ever discuss with your coworkers, no matter...
  • How to Increase Productivity While Working from Home
    Remote work has experienced more than 159% growth over the past 15 years, but many Americans are working from home exclusively for the first time due to COVID-19
  • Remote workers can get burned out, too
    Despite its many advantages, working from home poses challenges, too. Organizations with remote or hybrid workforces need to watch for symptoms of work-from-home burnout.
  • 6 Perks You Don’t Want to Miss Negotiating in Your Job Offer
    While your salary is certainly important, it isn’t the only thing you should consider when negotiating your job offer. In fact, sometimes the benefits you can build into your employment contract can have more value than the monetary amount of your paycheck. Even if you’re being offered an extraor...
  • What to Do When You Feel Burnt Out
    Burnout can happen to anyone, especially in our always-connected world. This form of exhaustion doesn't strike overnight. Burnout typically sneaks up on you, and once it does, can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Unfortunately, the condition can be difficult to overcome. Know th...
  • When to Take That Career Step Backward
    Stepping back in your career—whether in terms of salary or title—can be scary, but sometimes it makes sense. Here are seven times when you might want to say "yes" to a career step backward.
  • 5 Things You Should Never Put In Writing At Work
    The workday can feel so long…and your email inbox or Slack channel can seem like such a private haven—a secret clubhouse where you can share jokes and kvetch with your work spouse. But don't let a false sense of security lull you into making a career-derailing mistake. There are certain things yo...