• How Long Is Too Long for Your Resume?
    Gone are the days when a one-page resume was the norm. Now it depends on a variety of factors. Read on to find out the new rules for how long is too long.
  • Signs It's Time to Switch Jobs
    Were you overlooked for that big promotion? Are you underpaid and/or feeling unappreciated. Whatever the case may be, there are some definite signs it’s time to start looking for new opportunities.
  • Career Opportunities at Large Life Science Organizations Before, During, and After COVID-19
    How much damage has the pandemic done to D.C.’s life science profession? Let’s look at large life science organizations in the D.C. region before, during and after COVID-19.
  • 5 ways to prevent employees from giving the Big Goodbye
    Employees are realizing they have the power. It’s a job seeker’s market, and recruiters are eager to snatch them up. Read on to learn how to entice employees to stay!
  • Confidently Manage the Person You Passed Up for Promotion
    Have you passed on an internal candidate for a promotion? Read on for some tips on how to manage the employee who did not quite make the cut.
  • Make workplace culture a competitive advantage
    Every organization has a culture. Some are intentional, some accidental. Companies that claim culture is a priority but don’t back it up are just fooling themselves.
  • What to Expect When Making a Mid-Career Move to a Startup
    You are done with corporate. You have spent half your career in a slow-churning grind, one cog in a gigantic machine. And you’re thinking a startup may inspire and reinvigorate your career.
  • What if my grandpa was my boss?
    Here are three ways generations tend to differ and how you can create understanding and appreciation in your company culture.
  • How to Address Being Passed Over for a Promotion
    You thought you were golden. You had put in the time, received sterling reviews, and took on a growing list of responsibilities. You have been passed over for that promotion.....Now what??
  • Is It Bad Form To Pursue a Promotion During a Pandemic?
    Professionally, your 2020 was off to an awesome start. You were on track to achieve your goals and get promoted. ? Is it insensitive to ask for a promotion during a pandemic?
  • How to Assure Growth Opportunities Exist During an Interview
    When most people think of a job interview, it’s usually in terms of “How should I answer the questions I’m asked?” But what if you have questions of your own?
  • Benefits of Returning to a Former Company
    Sometimes you leave a job for greener pastures and realize you actually had it pretty good before—and sometimes your former employer comes calling with a new opportunity.
  • Good Workplace Communication Goes Two Ways
    An effective communications strategy keeps employees connected with their work, the organization, and a bigger purpose. These four quick wins will help enable two-way communication and strengthen connection within your organization:
  • How to Explain a Toxic Work Environment During a Job Interview
    Sometimes quitting your job is the best answer. It should be your last resort, but there are times when a workplace is so toxic or detrimental to your health you simply must get out.
  • 6 Better Ways to Respond When You're Thinking: That's Not Part of My Job Description
    When your manager asks you to do something that seems to be beyond your usual responsibilities, you may want to tell her you can’t do it, but no matter the request, never respond with the phrase, “That’s not in my job description.”
  • What to Ask Your Boss When Your Company has Layoffs
    There is probably nothing scarier to a group of professionals than hearing rumors of impending layoffs. Read on for some questions you should ask if you suddenly find yourself working for a company in the midst of some very unsettling changes.
  • How to Balance Taking on More Work When Your Coworkers Leave
    Few circumstances disrupt your work life more quickly than a colleague's resignation. But once you've dealt with the initial emotional reaction, reality will set in, and both you and your boss will wonder, who's going to do the work? Quite likely, the answer is you—at least in the interim. It's i...
  • Here's What You Need to Know About Generation Z Workers
    So what do you need to know about Generation Z and their role in the modern workplace? Here are a few vital insights that will help prepare you for this new influx of employees.
  • Good and Bad Excuses to Leave Work Early
    Swinging a perfect attendance record for work is nearly impossible, and it isn’t something most bosses expect. There will inevitably be some days when you’ll have to leave early with little or no advance notice. But which excuses are acceptable and which will leave your manager frustrated?
  • How to Talk to Your Boss About Applying Internally
    You like the company you work for, but you think you’d be happier in another position or in a different department. So you decide to apply for another job within the organization. You don’t want your boss to find out from somebody else. Yet broaching the subject can be awkward and sometimes even ...