• Tired Of Your Industry? How To Make The Leap To A New Career
    You’ve come to the realization you're miserable in your job, and you know it's time to move on, but sometimes it's hard to figure out your next step. You want to make the right choice, but how do you know if it's the job itself or if you need to do a career overhaul and change industries? Figurin...
  • Offering Flexible Work Schedules
    In many organizations, flexible work schedules are becoming the norm. While it may seem, on the surface, that the advantages of flextime rest primarily with the employee, that is simply not true. Employers are now realizing that flextime offers them numerous benefits as well.
  • How to Answer: “Tell Me About Yourself”
    It seems like such a simple question, but “tell me about yourself” is notorious for wrecking many interviewees’ chances to make positive first impressions. Turns out there’s a simple formula, and we’ve got you covered.
  • 5 Things to Be Thankful For at Your Job Every Day
    Sometimes we get so caught up in what’s going wrong at work, we forget to be thankful for what’s good about our jobs. Ironically, reflecting on what we have to be grateful for can relieve some of the stress that makes us focus on the negativity in the first place. While every person’s experience ...
  • The Pros and Cons of Contract Work
    Contractors, contingent jobs, gig workers, on-demand employees. Whatever you call it, the number of non-employee workers is growing. No matter the reason, there are pros and cons to working as a contractor. In fact, some points are advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Learn why.
  • Ask These Questions to Learn More about a Company’s Culture
    Before you accept the job offer, consider whether the corporate culture is a good fit for you. Ask these questions to find out.
  • How to Prep for a Job Interview
    Despite the good feelings associated with the prospect of actually landing the job, most people suffer some level of anxiety before the interview. Find out how to be prepared as you can possibly be before going in.
  • Why You Need to Take a Personal Day Once in a While
    Feeling anxious or guilty about taking a day off from work? Read on as to why you should take a personal day.
  • What To Do When You Hate Your Job
    Do you hate your job? Would you rather wash broken dishes than go to work? If you're nodding with a pained expression, you belong in the overcrowded hate-my-job camp. Just don’t stay too long.
  • What’s Your Emotional Runway for Making a Job or Career Change?
    The workplace can be a pretty unsafe space to open up the Pandora's box of figuring out how to be happier. This lack of a safe space to talk about making work more satisfying is why I have the conversations I do.
  • Sarah, Having and Being a Mentor
    Listen. Connect the dots … weirdly. Really, it’s DISRUPT the dots. Cultivate shoshin -- Beginner's Mind. Especially the “make no assumptions” part. Be glad you’re not the smartest person in the room. How boring that would be!
  • Rob’s Winding Path
    I have found that the similarities between political campaigns, startups, and producing movies are profound. So, because of these structural similarities to these things - and because of the similarities in executive leadership - skills can be very portable.
  • Mahasin’s Winding Path
    I had to intentionally interrogate how I had arrived at these beliefs, make a cognitive shift, and craft a new definition for success for myself rooted and connected to my most sacred values. I am so glad that I did.
  • Anne’s Winding Path
    I’ve worked hard in various jobs for many years, making a good living, and will continue to work as I get this degree, but I can still hear myself justifying why I’m doing it! To answer the question more succinctly: I’m pivoting because if I don’t, I will starve my soul.
  • Jamie’s Winding Path
    Jamie resides in Hyattsville MD and transitioned from being a theater performer and producer to working in tech sales. He received a BA in Theater Arts and now serves as the VP of Sales at Impactive and as an Associate in Storytelling & Messaging at KNP Communications.
  • Scott’s Winding Path
    The world loves to celebrate a well-executed pivot - meaning, after it’s been proven to work. But at the beginning of a pivot? And in the middle of a pivot? The world can be skeptical.
  • Dene’s Winding Path
    I remind myself frequently of something a wise man once told me, “Dene, in life you don’t get what you want, you certainly don’t get what you deserve, in life all you get is what you tolerate!”
  • Nia’s Winding Path
    Black and Brown folks, queer and trans people, women, and people with disabilities often experience impostor syndrome.
  • Micah’s Winding Path
    I developed some bad habits during our lean and scrappy start-up days. In particular, I would sign up for tasks I did not have the capacity to do well, or would accomplish at significant personal cost
  • Sadaf’s Winding Path
    “Not everyone's emergency is your emergency.” I am a giver by nature. I have had to unwind my mindset that everything needs to be done in urgency. In the school system I was trained for years to respond to crises. As a result, I found early on in my career shift I was giving away free strategy, s...