• Best Tips to Ace a Phone Interview
    So you spent multiple hours poring through employment listings, researching new companies, and submitting resumés with the hopes of landing the perfect new position
  • How to Answer: "What Are You Passionate About?"
    The last thing you expect during a job interview is for the hiring manager to ask you a personal question like, “What are you passionate about?” Here's how you can best prepare for it.
  • How to Answer: “Why Do You Want This Job?”
    When recruiters ask, “Why do you want this job?”, what they really want to know is, “What is it about this company and position that interests you, and what assets can you bring to us?” Here’s how you can answer that.
  • What Do You Do If Your Interviewer Seems Unprepared?
    It’s not outside the realm of possibility—or even that unusual—to show up to an interview only to discover it’s the interviewer who’s unprepared. And let’s face it—all the preparation in the world isn’t going to help if the person asking the questions isn’t, well, asking good questions. Read on f...
  • Is the STAR Method Outdated?
    Is the STAR method preventing businesses from properly assessing the value of job seekers? Does STAR need an update for the contemporary job market? Find out.
  • Is it Ok to Ask for Feedback from a Job You Didn't Get?
    Is it OK to ask for feedback after not getting the job? Maybe. It depends on what your definition of feedback is. Here’s how you can go about getting information if you genuinely want it.
  • Is It Appropriate To Ask Why A Position Is Open During An Interview?
    You might wonder whether it's appropriate to ask why a position is open during an interview. Not only is it appropriate—it's critical to ensuring the position is a good fit. Here’s why.
  • Old Interview Guidance That No Longer Applies
    Some standard guidelines for interviewing still apply. But if you want to ace an interview in 2022, some adjustments may be necessary. If you’re getting interview guidance from a source written more than a few years ago, things have changed.
  • How to Answer: “Tell Me About a Time You Handled a Conflict”
    Most interview questions ask you to discuss the positive aspects of your working life. But every now and then, a question takes a turn for the negative, potentially wrecking your whole enthusiastic vibe. “Tell me about a time you handled a conflict” is one such question. If you know how to answer...
  • 5 Small Questions Your New Hire May Have That Matter
    New hires have many questions—both big and small, about expectations, company culture, and rules and procedures they need to follow. Here are some examples of seemingly trivial queries new hires may have that you need to be prepared to answer.
  • 6 Tips for Acing an HR Interview
    Many companies pride themselves on having a strong HR department, and they should—HR is typically the first line of defense when it comes to screening potential job candidates. How well you do on the HR interview will determine whether you get that coveted secondary interview with the higher-ups....
  • How to Answer “Why Should We Choose You over Someone Else?”
    One day you’ll face a recruiter asking, “Why should we choose you over someone else?” Here’s how to prepare the best answer to this question.
  • Your Interview Prep Checklist
    To ensure you're prepared for your job interview, we've compiled a checklist of everything you need to remember to ace that crucial meeting. Check each of the boxes, and you'll be ready to go in with confidence, and nail it!
  • 3 Times Candidates Have Walked Out of Job Interviews (And What They Did Next)
    When a job interview devolves from awkward to disastrous, sometimes the best thing to do is walk out. You know you don’t want to work at a company where employees are harassed or made to feel like they’re unimportant. Here are incidents that prompted three job candidates to cut an interview short...
  • How to Answer: "Why Are You Looking to Leave Your Current Job?"
    Most people's biggest interview fears include having to respond to classic hard-to-answer questions, including “Why are you looking to leave your current job?” Whether you can’t stand your boss or are uninterested in your day-to-day responsibilities, there are ways to answer without throwing anyo...
  • Your Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Questions
    There's often no right or wrong answer when it comes to answering job interview questions, but it can be helpful to prepare in advance of your interview. Here's our ultimate guide on how to answer every interview question.
  • Write it & Rote it
    Is there a question that you have trouble answering? Most of us do have a question(s) that tend to tie our stomachs up in knots. Read on to learn how to prepare for difficult questions!
  • Four Tips For Finding the Perfect Job Match
    As a job seeker, it’s easy to zero in on pay, benefits, and even work-life balance. But don’t skip what may be the most important step of the process. Read on to discover more!
  • How to Network When You Are an Introvert
    In social situations or large gatherings do you evade talking to people, avoid eye contact or tend to text people just to look busy? Would you rather go to the dentist than attend a work-related networking event? If you’re an introvert, you can probably relate.
  • The Best Answers We've Seen to Strength and Weakness Interview Questions
    During a job interview, hiring managers will likely ask you about your greatest strength and weakness. These are some of the best answers we’ve seen to these questions.