• What to Do If You’re Blindsided by an Interview Question
    The interview was going great until it wasn’t. You practiced the customary interview questions, developed a friendly rapport, and nailed every response with poise and humor. Then the hiring manager asked you another question, and it completely blindsided you. Have no idea where to begin? We can h...
  • 6 Tips for Acing an HR Interview
    Many companies pride themselves on having a strong HR department, and they should—HR is typically the first line of defense when it comes to screening potential job candidates. How well you do on the HR interview will determine whether you get that coveted secondary interview with the higher-ups....
  • Guide to Answering Common Interview Questions
    It's fun to share war stories about the most off-the-wall interview questions you've ever been asked, but most follow a set pattern....Read on to see how to answer the most common interview questions!
  • Top 5 Interview Resources of 2018
    Job interviews can be some of the most intimidating aspects of the job search. Here's our roundup of the most popular interview resources of 2018 to help get you over this hurdle and into an amazing new job opportunity.
  • The Most Challenging Interview Questions We’ve Seen (And Some of the Best Answers)
    Trying to figure out how to answer challenging interview questions can definitely make your palms sweat. Here is a sampling of some of the toughest questions we’ve seen and some potential answers that may help.
  • Your Interview Prep Checklist
    To ensure you're prepared for your job interview, we've compiled a checklist of everything you need to remember to ace that crucial meeting. Check each of the boxes, and you'll be ready to go in with confidence, and nail it!
  • Night Before The Interview Checklist
    For even the most extroverted among us, interviews can be nerve-racking. Fortunately, you can take steps to significantly reduce the risk that those problems will emerge. Want to give future you a leg up? Here is your night-before an interview checklist.
  • How to Respond to: "Walk Me Through Your Resume"
    "Walk me through your resume" is a common interview question, yet it also trips up many job candidates. It's not an invitation to tell your life story in chronological order. Instead, it's an opportunity to showcase your presentation styles, ability to synthesize information, and trajectory of pr...
  • 3 Times Candidates Have Walked Out of Job Interviews (And What They Did Next)
    When a job interview devolves from awkward to disastrous, sometimes the best thing to do is walk out. You know you don’t want to work at a company where employees are harassed or made to feel like they’re unimportant. Here are incidents that prompted three job candidates to cut an interview short...
  • Etiquette for a Lunch Interview
    Of all the different types of interviews, the lunch interview is one of the most nerve-wracking. Mixing a professional interview with food can feel like a recipe for disaster. You can do it though—take a deep breath, and keep some things in mind.
  • Your Step-by-Step Guide to Tackling Your Biggest Interview Fears
    You may be excited about the prospect of getting a new job, but chances are you're less excited about the interview that could land it for you. Here’s a step-by-step guide to tackling your greatest interview fears.
  • How to Make a Great Impression at Career Fairs
    Career fairs are hands down one of the best ways to network when you’re looking for a new job. So how do you stand out from the crowd in a room full of people all looking for the same thing as you? Read on for tips on how to make a great first impression and score the coveted goal of career fairs...
  • Navigating the Interview Process When It’s 100 Percent Remote
    Remote interviews allow companies to interview candidates from anywhere and cut down on hassles—no more parking validation! No wonder they’ve become so popular.
  • 5 Tips for Acing Your Case Interview
    A case interview might sound intimidating, but it's actually a wonderful opportunity. You get to spend time with company officials, analyze a business challenge, and come up with a solution. Even though you usually won't know the exact case scenario you'll be presented during a case interview, yo...
  • Job Search Scaring You? Try These 3 Things.
    We love horror movies, but lately, they haven’t had the same thrill. That’s probably because we’ve seen the true face of horror, the job search. And the scariest part of the process has to be the interview. That got us thinking: If horror movies make us face our fears, then maybe they can teach u...
  • 10 Phrases to Never Say During a Job Interview
    There’s a lot to think about when preparing for a job interview: What you should wear, what questions you should expect, how you can best show your qualifications. Just as important as what you should do, however, is what you shouldn’t—namely, things you should never say during an interview. Read...
  • Answer, Negotiate, And Potentially Avoid Dreaded Salary Questions
    "What is your desired salary?" Having trouble answering interview questions about your potential salary? We’ve got you covered.
  • What Are the Top Trending Interview Techniques?
    Traditional interview styles have their uses. But these interviews have their drawbacks. To overcome these drawbacks, industrious companies have adopted new tools and techniques. Here are the top five and how you can best prepare for them.
  • How to Interview Your Way through the Unknown
    The unknown can be intimidating if you are not prepared. Learn how to navigate through unfamiliar territory with confidence.
  • Best Tips to Ace a Phone Interview
    So you spent multiple hours poring through employment listings, researching new companies, and submitting resumés with the hopes of landing the perfect new position