Signs Your New Company Is Fully Committed to Remote Work

Getting settled in with a new company while working remotely can be a challenge all in itself. But with the increasing popularity of remote work, it looks like something many workers will have to get used to at one point or another. With this shifting dynamic, however, a new question arises: How do you know whether an employer is actually committed to the remote work setup…or if they are just biding time before returning to “work as usual.” Read on for some signs that your new company takes remote work seriously.

Signs your new employer

1. Invests in a home setup

If your company offers you money to use toward setting up your personal home office—for things like a decent sized computer monitor, keyboard, office chair, or even quarterly stipends for internet and phone bills—the chances are good your new employer is committed to remote work for the long haul. Gone are the days of sitting hunched in front of laptops to get work done at home. Forward-thinking businesses see the value of setting their employees up for success even if it is in their living rooms.

2. Their search is truly global

Companies that are fully committed to remote work can hire the best employees from literally anywhere. So if you notice your workplace requires employees to work within a certain geographic location, it’s likely that they are setting themselves up to (eventually) make the jump back to an in-office setup. On the other hand, a workplace with employees from all over the country (or even world) has clearly made a commitment to its remote workforce—and is likely to continue providing the resources need to keep a good thing going.

3. They remain honest and upfront

Listen, the office environment has not exactly been what anyone would call “stable” the past couple of years. A company that is truly ready to rock remote work will acknowledge that and be upfront about its plans for an evolving workforce. If your new employers have clear remote strategies—such as advancing employee career development, community building, and evaluating employee results over the amount of time worked—chances are high the system is built for the long haul.

4. Smooth communication

With the increase in remote work, the need for communication and clarity is more vital than ever. Your new company is likely in good shape if it has a strong network of technological and communication platforms to help employees interact with each other (and the higher ups) in a smooth and timely manner. This means laying out a clear setup for everything from email and video conferences to instant messaging and phone calls. But it’s not enough to just have these tools available: Companies also need transparent communication guidelines for each mode of communication. For example, what are the appropriate official working hours to send emails? Instant messages? Which meetings should be held over the phone? Which should be held over video? These are the types of issues that a remote-ready company will already have laid out from day one.

5. Comfortable with individuality

Take a look at your workday. Are there constant virtual meetings, either over the phone or via video conference? This is a huge red flag that the company has not figured out a way to efficiently embrace remote work. Instead, companies that have truly invested in the remote work model will be comfortable with an asynchronous workforce that can touch base when needed—usually via work chat groups like Slack or Google Hangout—but work independently the remainder of the time. Another good sign that your employer welcomes individuality? If they do not require any set hours in which you are required to be in front of your computer—just results that need to be produced.

Remote work brings its own challenges, such as learning to stand apart from the crowd or even just forging bonds with coworkers. But those challenges are made easier when you find a company that is truly invested in making remote work the foundation of a solid team—not just a temporary fix.

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